We currently have puppies!

Our adorable puppies were born on February 8, 2025!

Father: Our wonderful Calimero
Mother: Our loving Emma

The little ones come in different colors:
2 Black
2 Mantle
2 Harlequin
1 Blue male

Serious inquiries only, please contact us by phone:
0174 4696760 – Location: Höxter

Exciting news from our kennel! • 05.02.2024.

Get ready for adorable paws and wagging tails as we eagerly anticipate a new Great Dane litter this spring.

The proud parents?
None other than the Multi Champion Calimero Vom Kleinen Feenwald and VDH Junior Champion Emma Vom Mystic Star.

Spring 2024 is about to get a whole lot cuter in our furry family!

New litter

Our puppies were born on March 24th, 2023
1 Harlequin Girl, 1 Mantel girl and a very nice strong Mantel boy

Upcoming litter

We are very happy about the coming one Litter that was deliberately planned so promptly
Mama Tuni is top fit and it will be her last litter for the time being.
The litter has one AVK: 88.10% IC: 0.00% HK: 1.76%

A few reservations are still possible The babies are expected around March 20th, 2023
046617089348, doggenfee@gmail


Now all fairy forest puppies have left the nest, “Homer Simpson” was the last to start his new journey today.
We wish all owners a happy and long fairy forest life with your protégés.
The world shows you how beautiful life is.

"A life with a dog is a life full of love"


If everything worked out, we'll get the September 8th beautiful puppies in the colors: spotted / black / gray and coat ..

A few reservations are still possible!

This ancestral composition is unique in this constellation in the whole of Europe!

Father: GOFER Mysliwi Mgiel
EUDDC ZZl / HD-A | ED-free / HUS oB

Mother: Fortune from the little fairy forest
IK: AVK: O 0.00% O 92.86%

In the gallery of this connection there are several long-lived ancestors,
among them the maternal great-great-grandma who is still alive at the age of 12!

The maternal grandmother lives with us in the pack.
The maternal grandfather lives in the Czech Republic
and is World Veteran Winner 2021!

The father of the puppies comes from a one-time rehabilitation breeding,
an ancestral mating from the blue breed / black with spotted was made,
this constellation is rare to find.

The male was tested for color accuracy in breeding in the course of breeding approval.
He is currently very successful at international shows and has a fantastic gait and character.
With our bitch, who also comes from a special American/European connection,
we are hoping for promising Feenwald puppies with this combination.

We are very excited about our Feenwald litter!

You can always find up-to-date information on Instagram or our Facebook page


All puppies from the G litter have now moved to their new owners!
We wish you a good life together, with lots of happy moments...
(Litter Felimena x Wyatt)


All puppies from the G litter have a home!

We are planning a new litter for March 2022!

Registrations for the litter are open:
01744606760 or 0049(0)46617089348


We still have PUPPIES free from this great combination!
Puppies born on October 13th, 2021

1 MANTEL MALE - sold
1 COAT (gray) FEMALE - sold
1 BLACK MALE - sold

1 BLACK MALE with a lot of white - AVAILABLE
1 BLACK FEMALE with white breast - sold

Kontakt: 0049(0) 174 460 67 60


At the Great Danes of de Royal Topaz we expect puppies in the colors black / harlekin after our Calimero.

**** In 2021 we are planning two litters ourselves for the summer. ****


A Harlekin Female is looking for and a black boy and a beautiful black Female for a home....
0049(0)65539002279 or 0048(0)1744606760


Our F - Vom kleinen Feenwald are born!
We still can not believe it, our Peppy gave us 21 puppies

10 (-2) females and 11 (-1) males
3/5 spotted (all reserved)
4/2 black, 3 free
1/2 coat, all reserved
2/0 Gray, free
1/1 plate (white with black head) free
Telephone: 065539002279 or 01744606760


After a long planning and organization, it is now official ...
If all goes well, we expect the end of October puppies in the colors black / spotted and coat.

in this composition, as well as the line too!

Father is (America) // CH Janeiro SHOW STOPPERS I'm so Worth //
(USA - Owner Tina Sparks)


Mother is (Germany) // PEPPY OF ADAMANTIUM //

In America, this line is very successful, the male has all the investigations that are important for our breeding in the DDC
In the Ofa database America, his ancestors are led with every examination and the DNA, as well as Herzschall and also a detailed tooth map over many generations.
Janeiro himself has fathered descendants who are also successfully presented on shows in America. He lives with his father ..

Janeiro is a very typical male with good substance and very good size, expansive fluid movement. His nature is very balanced and open ...
The mother-dog Peppy lives with us in the house and also has a very long-lived and healthy line. She is an elegant compact and very balanced female,
unique in her nature. She is always heart-strapped and in a top condition ..

Show our upcoming puppies
an IK of 0.00% AVK 95,65% on...
All documents can be viewed with us
.. We've spent a lot of time thinking about this particular line and are very proud that we can now implement our litter with the permission of Tina Sparks and a permit from our standard leading club

It's nice to be there from the first minute, our Feenwald puppy parents from all litters, are always a great community ...
we will not leave you alone even after buying your puppy


Our puppies are born!
1 black Girls, 5 sw. Boys, 1 blue boy
We are very proud of this combination...
she has an IC of 0.00% - an absolute ancestral mating.

Creek Dane River Lee Lucky Number SEVEN
MIA Summacumlaude

The line of the dog I follow for some time, the breeder lives in the USA.
Seven lives as import male in Belgium at K.Derycke and so far he has fathered a litter with 8 puppies at his owner.
One of his daughters, a breeder, lives on it and is now also very successful on shows.

... We know Seven several times live, I've been watching his development as well.
He impresses with his nobility charisma and elegance, has a dream movement and is fit for health, without physical exaggeration of his race.
His absolutely open character completes everything! The ancestors of Seven have never been used in the German Blue Breeding until now ...

Our Mia is an equally elegant, very sporty, but also very typey bitch with ancestors from the Italian line.
Their ancestral series is here in Germany, little represented. In the DDC 1888 e.V. not at all ...
their ancestors live until the third generation
(- a great-grandparent's share) still healthy and cheerful ...

This connection of Mia and Seven is an ancestral win for the blue breed, which is now very tight and it is really difficult to seek ancestral alien, with a few exceptions!
That was the reason for us to put this extraordinary and beautiful connection into action.
A few beautiful black lacquer jewels are still looking for a home.

Gladly we can be contacted under
065539002279 or 01744606760

Pregnancy confirmed

We are especially proud of this unique mating that has never happened in Europe before.
Seven is an extraordinary typeful elegant male, with no inclination to exaggeration. His movement is fluid and expansive. Seven is an import male from the USA and lives in Belgium, he has all the examinations, his character is very pleasant and essential.

Our Mia had a small litter of three puppies, she is Topfit, besides, there are 9 months between last cover act and new Wurftermin.

With the approval of our DDC breeding manager and the good physical condition of our Mia, we decided to join her for this new litter.
We are very excited and look forward to our babies we expect the 04.06.2019.
From now on you can fill your form for the reservation list under our contact page.

15.02.2019. August / September planning
In the colors spotted & black

With great pleasure I can announce our next litter planning ... After a long planning and organization, it is now official ....

CH Janeiro SHOW STOPPERS I'm so Worth (USA - Owner Tina Sparks) x PEPPY OF ADAMANTIUM

The mating is for the first time in Europe, as well as this line also ... In America, this line is very successful, he has all the studies that are important for our breeding in the DDC In the Ofa database America, his ancestors are led with each examination and the DNA, as well as Herzschall and also a detailed tooth map over many generations. Janeiro himself has fathered descendants who are also successfully presented on shows in America. He lives with his father .. Janeiro is a very typical male with good substance and very good size, expansive fluid movement.

His nature is very balanced and open ... We have been thinking about this particular line for a long time and are very proud to be allowed to use this good line with the permission of Tina Sparks!

Our reservation list for this unique litter is open, you are welcome to contact us

06.01.2019. The Babies are now three weeks old and have their eyes open...

16.12.2018. Today our babies were born, we are very happy.

We are planning litter after:


We are planning litter after our MIA Summa Cum Laude and BALU vom Herstallturm
For all interested in Great Dane from our kennel, we are taking reservations for puppies.

Please contact us via phone: +49(0)6553.900.22.79 or +49(0).174.460.67.60 or by filling our Reservierungsformular

d.o.b.: 12/02/2018
ROY von Björndal x PEPPY von Adamantium

I Generation
II Generation
III Generation
ROY von Björndal
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 124482
HERERO vom Schloß Laupheim
black :: VDH/DDC 121048
NELSON von Dorndiel
black :: VDH/DDC 115148
ROMINA vom Schloß Laupheim
black :: VDH/DDC 110651
NORA von Björndal
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 120066
ULKEN de la Dynastie Danner
harlequin :: LOF2DAL 061655/08185
HANNA von Björndal
black :: VDH/DDC 110772
PEPPY von Adamantium
black :: VDH/DDC 129302
IRAM von Wiederholz
black :: CMKU
FATUM des Terres de la Rairie
black :: LOF2DAL
GRAFITTI von Wiederholz
harlequin :: CMKU ND/19548/09
ENOLA von Adamantium
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 123790
black :: VDH/DDC 117881
BIONIC von Adamantium
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 121604

d.o.b.: 03/04/2015
LORD vom Schloss Fürstenberg x LAMIA vom White Temple

I Generation
II Generation
III Generation
LORD vom Schloss Fürstenberg
black :: VDH/DDC 126849
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 122140
MANOLO von der Ofnethöhle
black :: VDH/DDC 115741
EBONY vom Meißner Land
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 118333
JONAH vom Schloß Fürstenberg
black :: VDH/DDC 121542
EARL BARNEBY vom Holsteiner Land
black :: VDH/DDC 117479
GEORGINA vom Schloß Fürstenberg
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 115914
LAMIA vom White Temple
harlequin :: VDH/KYDD DF4576
IN EXTREMO vom White Temple
harlequin :: VDH/KYDD DF3730
DAMERO del Sogno Grande
black :: VDH/DDC 116264
BELUGA von der Wolfburg
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 114570
JUMANA von Blue Ground
platten :: VDH/KYDD BQ2310
KODY von der Nibelungenburg
platten :: VDH/DDC 112107
ZILLA v.'t. Oenselerheem
harlequin :: LOSH 0876951

d.o.b.: 21/07/2014
MCLAREN Claudia Bohemica x LAMIA vom White Temple

I Generation
II Generation
III Generation
MCLAREN Claudia Bohemica
black :: CMKU ND/20650/12
DAGON Zoborske lúky
black :: SPKP 787
MANOLO von der Ofnethöhle
black :: VDH/DDC 115741
harlequin :: CMKU ND/18533/06
EMILY Bohemia Abrus
harlequin :: CMKU ND/19062/08
VEEDAM des Terres de la Rairie
harlequin :: LOF2DAL
DUCATI Claudia Bohemica
harlequin :: CMKU ND/17405/03/05
LAMIA vom White Temple
harlequin :: VDH/KYDD DF4576
IN EXTREMO vom White Temple
harlequin :: VDH/KYDD DF3730
DAMERO del Sogno Grande
black :: VDH/DDC 116264
BELUGA von der Wolfburg
harlequin :: VDH/DDC 114570
JUMANA von Blue Ground
platten :: VDH/KYDD BQ2310
KODY von der Nibelungenburg
platten :: VDH/DDC 112107
ZILLA v.'t. Oenselerheem
harlequin :: LOSH 0876951

:: back ::
Great Danes vom Kleinen Feenwald
Witte Moor 2, 25842 Bargum / Schleswig Holstein
Tel: +4946723599063 / Mobil: +491744606760
e-mail: doggenfee@gmail.com
www: www.doggenfee.de

| ® All Rights Reserved *2018*
© Copyright & Design by Klaudia Kar³owicz | Only for vom Kleinen Feenwald